after i finish download the movies into two separated files which is 001 and 002 files which is im not familiar of ,i try to search on google on how to open it or what program should i use to convert it into avi. and i tried use winwar but its not working and finally i figure it out by using ULTRA VIDEO JOINER
if you have only one file which is 001. you can convert it into avi file by using
this program or if you have two separated files you can either join them together
as one file or any files you want as far as available on this application..first open up ultra video
joiner as shown below and click the plus sign to find your files to be converted or join and
then just click the join sign and wait until the process done.. if you have no ultra video joiner
just google it just download the trial version or if you like just post a comment and i will give you
serial number ty,,..